Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Horde Progress Update

I've been working on the orc horde on and off for the last few months. It's the kind of project that feels pretty overwhelming looked at all at once, but I found if I just set myself the goal of painting one or so of them a day, it's not so bad. I'm not in a hurry.

But I reached a goal that I've been working towards, I got all of the orcs of one type mostly painted! Still not sure about the bases, but ah well. The swords are done! That's 50 orcs there alone, plus another 60 or so of the spears and bows. Progress!

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Horror Continues (With Guinea Pigs)

 Yes, guinea pigs! Vampire ones, to be specific. 

The first one I tried to paint a little to look like Bunnicula, of course. Impossible to resist. Also trying out something different with some of the basing, using that old standby of aquarium sand.

I like these little guys. My sisters and I had a few pet guinea pigs growing up, we learned a few valuable lessons from them, namely that a two boy guinea pigs might actually turn out to be a boy and a girl guinea pig. The babies were quite a surprise.

I've got a bunch more of the Bad Squiddo horror minis painted, or nearly done, and I've made considerable progress with the orc horde. More on both soon.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Horror!

 I've done a bit more painting of the Bad Squiddo horror minis! There's three nightrobe wearing women, looking like they're wandering around a blustery, haunted manor, and the Bride of Frankenstein. They were quite relaxing to paint.

The colors of the robes probably aren't period accurate, but I'm not concerned about that. Note the floor brickwork, done in sharpie. I am lazy and I almost never think about bases, but I'm content with these ones.

Of course, the next challenge will be finding the right game to use them in. Silver Bayonet, maybe?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Family Gaming

 I've mentioned painting with my nephews and niece a couple of times recently, I think. I've managed to spend about a month with them, which is quite a lot, considering they normally live more than 400 miles away. In that time we managed to get a lot of painting in, and a few games as well. So here's a few pictures celebrating that!

First off is this, the main project for their visit. This is one of the Barnes and Noble boxed set games, Fireteam, basically a simplified board game version of GW's Kill Team. The 2nd oldest of my nephews painted most of the Space Marines, while everyone painted some of the Necrons. The blue one in particular was painted by my 3 1/2 year old niece. (She's very proud of it, and also of the fact that she's 3 1/2)

2nd oldest nephew and I also played a game of Fireteam, and while I know I got some of the rules wrong, it was still a good time. Plus the rules I got wrong worked out in his favor, and he managed to stomp me and my Necrons quite handily.

I'm not a competetive gamer, this is the kind of game that I really value. Just getting time with the people I love, on the hobby that I enjoy. I've been fortunate this month.