Friday, January 19, 2024

Hobby Bingo! (Personal Edition)

 I like the idea of hobby bingo, it's a nice way to set some goals and have a tangible way of marking off that you've met them. Plus, it's bingo, and bingo is fun. I've been looking around for a decent one to try out this year, and haven't really had much luck in finding one, so I decided to make my own! It's a bit more focused on... well, things that I personally can do, hopefully games with friends and family and such. But here it is:

We'll see how it goes as the year goes on!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New Year Necromunda

 A new year! And I've got the chance to play a couple of games of Necromunda with some friends. Two casual games, one where I played as Squats, the other where I played as Orlocks. I'm pretty sure I lost both, but the experience itself was fun, and that's the important part.

The first game (board pictured above) mainly involved my Squats repeatedly being hit in the head by falling debris, and then falling off of ledges.

The second involved my wife taking charge of the Squats and proceeding to slaughter everyone who came within gun range. Good times for all!