Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Suprise Mini Battle Report

 I've had an itch to play an actual game of Kings of War for a bit now, so yesterday I sat down and did so! I played a game... against myself.

I know! It's exciting as can be. Well, I had to find an opponent somewhere, and I have done a pretty good job at being my own enemy in the past.

This was also inspired by the fact that I aquired and put together the new starter set from Mantic. So enjoy this report, where an army of Ratkin faces off against Goblins, all unpainted, on an undersized table.


The two sides face off in a "pillage" scenario, the priceless artifacts represented by domino pieces.

The ratkin march forward boldly, or squeakily, and the night terror lopes off to the side, hoping to flank the unsuspecting Goblin spitters. An exchange of lighting bolts and arrows does minor damage.

A mighty charge is sounded and the rats smash into the trolls and spear goblins! Unfortunately both units hold, and they must ready themselves for the counterattack.

The trolls smash their opponents and reform to face the sneaking night terror with ease. Far more surprising is the fight between the spear goblins and the ratkin. The goblins only manage to skewer a few of their opponents, but this is still enough to send the rest fleeing in terror. The ratkin army has been wiped out in a matter of moments.

The Ratkin commander isn't ready to give up just yet. He's going to wipe out those spitters at the very least, and get some revenger. The night terror charges and tears goblins apart left and right... and the spitters hold.

The inevitable happens and the happy trolls smash the night terror into the dirt. The Ratkin leader, now the leader of no one, wisely slinks off to fight another day. The goblin leader remembers the actual objective at the last minute and claims one objective, winning the game!

Well, it was fun! And good example of how a bad (or good) morale role can change things very quickly.

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